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snippet: Invasive Alien Species Pressure (10km) temporal resolution of 2012-2017. It's combined with forest cover from Copernicus HRL , res 100m, year 2015.
summary: Invasive Alien Species Pressure (10km) temporal resolution of 2012-2017. It's combined with forest cover from Copernicus HRL , res 100m, year 2015.
extent: [[-56.5051419017044,24.284177025288],[72.9061367590091,72.6644100484283]]
accessInformation: European Environment Agency (EEA)
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
maxScale: 1.7976931348623157E308
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: Data sources: 1. Invasive Alien Species Indicators. It's a spatially explicit cross-cutting indicator that quantifies the cumulative and relative pressure by IAS on terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems, by means of a unitless figure related to the relative extent of each ecosystem type negatively affected, over a reference grid of 10 km spatial resolution. Temporal resolution is 2012-2017 2. A second data source is used in order to show invasive alien species exclusively in forest. That layer is the Copernicus HRL tree cover 2015. Procedure The grid of alien Species pressure is a GRID of 10 km side. We want to combine the Copernicus HRL forest cover 2015, 100 m resolution with the GRID of alien species pressure in order to get the forest areas with pressure of 2 or higher. The resolution of 10 km of the IAS pressure will affect to the forest cover, so in order to combine directly both rasters, we resample the raster to 100 m just to keep the higher forest cover resolution.
title: IAS
type: Map Service
tags: ["FISE"," Invasive"," Alien"," species"," Pressure",""]
culture: en-GB
name: IAS
guid: 75B7FDA2-2699-4645-BB2D-EA37A2410919
minScale: 0
spatialReference: ETRS_1989_LAEA