{ "culture": "en-GB", "name": "IAS", "guid": "75B7FDA2-2699-4645-BB2D-EA37A2410919", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "Invasive Alien Species Pressure (10km) temporal resolution of 2012-2017. It's combined with forest cover from Copernicus HRL , res 100m, year 2015.", "description": "Data sources:\n1. Invasive Alien Species Indicators. It's a spatially explicit cross-cutting indicator that quantifies the cumulative and relative pressure by IAS on terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems, by means of a unitless figure related to the relative extent of each ecosystem type negatively affected, over a reference grid of 10 km spatial resolution. Temporal resolution is 2012-2017\nhttps://data.jrc.ec.europa.eu/dataset/f11838ff-8984-4284-bea5-e0a11d9f8d2f\n2. A second data source is used in order to show invasive alien species exclusively in forest. That layer is the Copernicus HRL tree cover 2015.\nProcedure\nThe grid of alien Species pressure is a GRID of 10 km side.\nWe want to combine the Copernicus HRL forest cover 2015, 100 m resolution with the GRID of alien species pressure in order to get the forest areas with pressure of 2 or higher.\nThe resolution of 10 km of the IAS pressure will affect to the forest cover, so in order to combine directly both rasters, we resample the raster to 100 m just to keep the higher forest cover resolution.", "summary": "Invasive Alien Species Pressure (10km) temporal resolution of 2012-2017. It's combined with forest cover from Copernicus HRL , res 100m, year 2015.", "title": "IAS", "tags": [ "FISE", " Invasive", " Alien", " species", " Pressure", "" ], "type": "Map Service", "typeKeywords": [ "Data", "Service", "Map Service", "ArcGIS Server" ], "thumbnail": "thumbnail/thumbnail.png", "url": "", "extent": [ [ -56.5051419017044, 24.284177025288 ], [ 72.9061367590091, 72.6644100484283 ] ], "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 1.7976931348623157E308, "spatialReference": "ETRS_1989_LAEA", "accessInformation": "European Environment Agency (EEA)", "licenseInfo": "" }