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snippet: This data service is about annual statistics calculated by the EEA based on time series reported by countries and represented at point locations with the EU air quality standards exceeded (red) or attained (green).
summary: This data service is about annual statistics calculated by the EEA based on time series reported by countries and represented at point locations with the EU air quality standards exceeded (red) or attained (green).
extent: [[-61.7272000000489,-21.3428999998939],[55.6279000000077,69.679600000058]]
accessInformation: EEA
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: Data originates from several AQ e-Reporting data flows ( B, C and G - stored on sanddab.eea.dmz1 in Airquality_BCG data base and E1/2a stored in Airquality_E (and processed to annual aggregations, stored in Airquality_StatCore). The main attribute of the data are values of annual statistics calculated by the EEA based on time series reported by countries within data flows E1/2a. The data contains also links to other data, e.g. zones and assessment regimes. Source table for the data service: AssessmentRegimeStatistics is generated in Airquality_StatCore by job 'Airquality_BCG: Prepare data for Attainment Viewer' every Monday at about 5 a.m. CET/CEST. Data service is refreshed just afterwards (Mondays, 6 a.m. CET/CEST).
title: AQ_Statistics_WM
type: Map Service
tags: ["air quality","statistics","annual","measurements","points","attainment"]
culture: en-GB
name: AQ_Statistics_WM
guid: 661103BC-3912-4DD1-AECF-638CEDBA8810
spatialReference: WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere